Tuesday 1 March 2011

Beady Eye - Different Gear, Different Band, Best Album So Far This Year??


I have to admit, i have been slagging off the Beady Eye track "Roller" since I first heard it. Sounds just like a bad Beatles cover right? Maybe on the first few listens, but I downloaded the album last night (Legally of course, Piracy is for fu*kin chumps) and I was very pleasantly surprised.....no........I thought it chuffin rocked!

starting from the funky cover of a girl riding a croc, to the last track "Sons of the stage" and everything in between is a sound we haven’t heard in a long time. Is it a bit Beatles? yeah, in parts. so what? the Beatles sound good. Besides, Rock n Roll uses the same 3 or 4 chords anyway so its all bound to sound similar!

My Top Tracks....
Kill For a Dream is probably the strongest lyrically and sounds great; a bang tidy acoustic number with a nice electric riff .
Sons of the Stage just sounds like one of those tracks that will have you screaming and swearing at Liam thinking you're well hard.
Four Letter Word starts like some Bond theme tune. nice and fast opener and sets the bar for the whole album
Millionaire starts like an Elliot Smith Track (although Ii doubt bears absolutely no influence on "R Liam"!
Wigwam - well, if the Beatles wrote this it would have been a classic....

you know what. balls to it. Its a top album, buy it, listen to it, get drunk to it, dance to it and enjoy it. Oh, thought i'd show add the cover cos it tickles me....

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